Our Services.

Treatments that heal body, mind and spirit




Acupuncture is an integral component of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where the insertion of thin needles into strategic points throughout your body elicit powerful biochemical and physiological changes. Most describe this process as “an experience of deep relaxation.”The needles improve the flow of energy (Qi) across your body’s many energetic channels (meridians) to restore balance, and in the process, alleviate conditions, such as headaches, back pain, digestive issues, allergies, gynecological conditions, anxiety and more. Since acupuncture is founded on the principle of prevention, we recommend regular “tune ups”, but will create personalized timelines based on your health diagnosis.

Initial Consultation with Acupuncture Treatment (1.5 Hours) | Starting at $140
Follow Up Visits (1 Hour) | Starting at $85

Senior Initial Consultation with Acupuncture Treatment (1.5 Hours) | Starting at $120
Senior Follow Up Visits (1 Hour) | Starting at $65

Auricular Therapy

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According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the ear is a micro system that reflects the health of our entire body. Ear seeds or acupuncture needles stimulate specific pressure points in your ear to relieve chronic pain, migraines, insomnia, stress, allergies and more.

Auricular Therapy Session (30 Minutes) | Starting at $55

Herbal Medicine


Chinese herbal remedies work in tandem with acupuncture to reinforce treatment. We carefully select each herb according to your symptoms and health goals. Different herbs contain different properties that balance the affected systems in your body to create a customized treatment plan. Herbal therapies may be used to improve digestion, decrease pain, enhance sleep, mitigate cold symptoms, aid in the recovery of an illness and more.

Herbal Remedies | Price Dependent on Herb(s)
*Please inquire about pricing


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Warmed cups of thick glass are placed over particular points on the body. The heat coupled with the cup’s circular shape creates a vacuum to draw your skin slightly up. This process opens your skin’s pores to enhance blood flow, release stagnation in the tissues and realign the flow of Qi. Cupping is commonly used to relieve chest congestion, back pain, muscle spasms, emotional trauma and/or environmental toxic exposure.
*Kindly note that cupping will be determined as an appropriate treatment modality after a thorough intake.

Fire Cupping Session (20 to 30 Minutes) | Starting at $55

LET the healing begin